Our Service

Create your own

Health & Beauty

NUTRABBIT researches technology to create trend-leading healthy products and provides convenient and smart services.

We provide innovative health functional food and inner beauty manufacturing services with IT technology utilizing accumulated know-how and DB.

Our Service

Create your own

Health & Beauty

NUTRABBIT researches technology to create trend-leading healthy products and provides convenient and smart services.

We provide innovative health functional food 

and inner beauty manufacturing services with 

IT technology utilizing accumulated know-how and DB.

Our Value

Innovative products are emerging 

and evolving in the ever-growing health functional food market.

Together with NUTRABBIT, it will pave the way 

for a successful business in the Health & Inner-Beauty industry.

Contact us

We always welcome business partners
Please contact us for assistance


B-402, 383, Simin-daero, 

Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, 

Republic of Korea

경기도 안양시 동안구

시민대로 383, B동 402호


(+82) 70 4306 5678



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